Wednesday 11 May 2011

WebSockets to plumb your TV

Cisco look to be taking on Google (and others) with the launch of their Videoscape offering. Fantastic to see that it supports WebSockets too! Makes a lot of sense if you are after an efficient, standards based way to deliver real-time content from the Cloud and across the Web.

I can see a day when TVs are all IP based, resulting in much richer content, and a richer, more immersive experience than you're used to today. A time will soon come when you can watch TV programs on demand, see content and context aware ads targeting to you (no longer just generic ads splatter-gunned to the whole audience and hope a small percentage find it relevant) and perhaps even be able to conduct e-commerce at the same time. 

You could be watching prime time, get an ad displayed for a product that is related to the show, targeted to your profile, of real interest to you, with real-time reviews appearing alongside, coupled with a crowd-sourced sentiment for not only the show you're watching, but the product being advertised as well. Embedded will be an ability to click-to-purchase, knowing the purchased item is on it's way to you for delivery tomorrow morning. 

No reason to leave the sofa.

Thanks Krakow!

Slides from a recent talk I gave at the 33rd Degree Java Masters Conference in Krakow can be found here.